Alternativ Global Entrepreneurs


Building Entrepreneurship Systems Training

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Building Entrepreneurship Systems Training will equip you and your team to foster and develop entrepreneurs in the local community. The BEST program was designed to cover all the of basic concepts around entrepreneurship in developing contexts utilizing AGE's Business Essentials Curriculum for micro and small enterprise development.

This online training will serve to:

1. Build your basic understanding the philosophy around entrepreneurship as a vital tool in poverty alleviation and peace-building efforts.

2. Equip you to understand the AGE training model for experiential learning so that you can take the resources and replicate this training in the field.

3. Empower you with the planning & logistics necessary to facilitate this training well and follow-up for maximum success.

The Alternativ Impact

According to the World Bank, 10.7% of the world's population is living on less than $2 USD a day. It is instinctual for us to want to give, but in reality, giving aid only serves as a temporary fix, and in the long-term, can cause more harm than good.

Instead of giving charity, Alternativ provides tools, education, and support to those impacted by poverty. Our curriculum aims to inspire emerging entrepreneurs around the world, while simultaneously offering practical business skills to enable them to take charge of their financial futures.